You don’t need this plugin but hey, you might need this to quickly check where the contact forms are used. If you have good memory then you will good without it. But there is chance to forget it right?
So here below are the scenarios where you will find this plugin helpful:
1. You have multiple contact forms used in various pages and posts or may be used in widgets. To edit the one you like meaning find it first. This plugin will help you showing the post/page name with a link to view or edit that post or page. For the widget case, it will tell you whether the current form is used in the widget or not.
2. This is quite useful in this condition. Lets say you are a developer and you’ve come across the site where there are multiple contact forms. You might have to clean it up. This plugin will help you find and know if the contact form is used or not, meaning you are on your own far from the fear of mistakenly deleting the used one forms.
By default this plugin only supports the search in default post types (post/page). But you can extend the search in custom post types of your own further by using a quick filter hook like below:
function extend_posttype_support ( $support ) {
return array( 'book', 'movie' );
add_filter( 'wpcf7sp_support_posttypes', 'extend_posttype_support' );
1. After installing the plugin, you will find a CF7 Show pages menu under each contact form edit page.
2. No settings, just view where the form is used. It wil list the name of post, pages in the table with a link to view and edit.
3. For other custom post types, filter is provided.
NOTES: The plugin needs Contact Form 7 to be activated.