Month: December 2023

  • WooCommerce change coupon success message.

    WooCommerce change coupon success message.

    Not everyday scenario, but sometimes you would like to have a custom message when the coupon is applied to your woocommerce shop.

    Straight to the code.

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_coupon_message', 'change_coupon_message', 3, 10 );
    function change_coupon_message( $msg, $msg_code, $coupon_obj ) {
    	$coupon_code = $coupon_obj->get_code();
    	$coupon_desc = $coupon_obj->get_description();
    	if ( $msg_code === 200 ) {
    		return $coupon_desc;
    	return $msg;

    Here, we are applying a filter hook, to change the woocommerce default “Coupon applied successfully” message.

    We are hooking up a custom function that checks if the $msg_code is 200 i.e. it applied successfully.

    But we will like our custom message. In this case I have get the description from the coupon settings which also makes it dynamic. Every coupon can have its own custom message.

    And finally, we return $msg that is to be displayed.